It is with deep sense of appreciation to God Almighty, and with humility to humanity that I sincerely welcome all of us to this special event. No doubt today’s event is a unique one because, it is one of the necessary activities we must perform to meet up with the requirements of the Establishment Act, which made it mandatory for anyone to qualify for Membership into the Governing Council of the Institute; such a person must be a Fellow and a Chartered Member of the Institute-Section 2(2). Indeed, it is in compliance with this provision of the Act, on one hand, and to ensure a hitch-free official inauguration of the Governing Council on the other hand, that necessitated today’s event.

In the light of the above, I am fully persuaded that, since we are all distinguished personalities in our individual lives, having achieved much in our respective endeavors; it will be easier for us to form a common front in executing the mandate of the Institute in line with the Establishment Act. Therefore, I appeal to each and every one of us to put our hands on the deck in the interest of this great Institute.

Permit me to spare you the details of the processes (both thick and thin) that we have passed through since 2004 till date leading to the passage of the Bill by both arms of the National Assembly, through Assenting to the Bill by the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and the subsequent publishing of the Act in the Federal Government Official Gazette. Yes, it has been a whole fourteen (14) years of tireless journey; yet in the midst of the overall experiences, our joy is that today’s event is adding up to the long list of success story of the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria (CIPMN).

At this junction, I want to particularly urge you, the inductees, in whose instance we are gathered here today, to use all within your legitimate powers to promote the core values of the institute, advance its mandates wherever you may find yourselves, and ensure that the Institute stands out among it’s contemporaries, anywhere in the world. In fact your enrolment as a Chartered Fellow into the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria (CIPMN) is actually a call to service, and an opportunity for you all to join forces with your colleagues to translate the dreams and aspirations of the Institute into realities, by upholding the ethics of the profession, embrace the truth in the Institute’s Oath of Allegiance, insist on the code of conduct of the Institute, propagate the good news of the Institute; above all, be the number one ‘’BRAND AMBASSADOR’’ of CIPMN by setting the right pace for others to follow. Let us always, eschew bitterness, avoid unhealthy rivalry, promote politics that will support the interest of our Institute, and avoid whatever that will be a clog in the wheel of progress of CIPMN.  As I said earlier, I long for a more appropriate opportunity to unfold the journey so far.

To the existing Fellows of CIPMN, it will be a great service to our great Institute if you can sacrificially carry the new inductees along in every aspect of the Institute’s Mandates, Core Values, Aims, Objectives, and indeed our goals. You are aware that our slogan ‘’ WORLD CLASS PROJECT MANAGERS’’. It is always on your lips. As you already know, it is not just a message, but a call to duty, putting on our shoulders, an uphill responsibility. Yes, in recognition of the fact that you cannot do it alone, is the reason why we all should do it together.

Furthermore, it will be unfair of me to conclude this address without recognizing our well-wishers who have come to felicitate with us in general, and the inductees in particular. God in His infinite mercy will reward the labour of your love. May I, however, call upon you to take advantage of the opportunities in CIPMN and register with us. No doubt, every aspect of human endeavor is surrounded by or presented with projects. In fact human being is a project on its own – whether tangible or intangible, hence the need for you to be a professional project manager cannot be over stretched. I therefore encourage you and your colleagues, your family members, associates, loved ones and the likes to join us. I promise you, you will be glad you did. You can log on to our website: or visit any of our Zonal Directorate offices close to you across the six (6) Geo-political zones in Nigeria.

As we progress in today’s event, may I appeal to each and every one of us to dignify ourselves in the manner befitting our status.

Finally, I thank each and every one of us, who in one way or the other has contributed to the success of this event, whether financially, intellectually, morally or otherwise. Only God Almighty, Who sees the heart of men, will certainly meet you at your own point of need, according to His riches in glory.

May God guide and protect all of us as we conclude this occasion.


 Dr. (Mrs). Victoria I. Okoronkwo FCIPM

 President / Chairman, Governing Council, CIPMN.